


Microsoft Teams Third-Party API Support
I am delighted to announce that MuteDeck v1.5 now supports the Microsoft Teams Third-Party API! What is it, you might ask? I'm glad you asked!
The newest version of Teams has a direct communication channel with third-party apps such as MuteDeck. Thus, rather than scanning the Teams interface, MuteDeck can directly inquire about Teams' status and manage it.
This means:
  1. MuteDeck supports Teams in all languages now
  2. More actions!
The new actions are:
  • Toggle background blur on your camera feed
  • Raise Hand
  • React with: Applause, Laugh, Like, Heart, and Wow
MuteDeck's API (and built-in specifications for developers) has already incorporated these new features. The Stream Deck, Loupedeck, and TouchPortal plugins will follow soon!
Bug fixes
I have also corrected a glitch in which Webex was wrongly shown as disabled when it was turned on in the settings.
You might need to install an update twice. This is part of optimising the updater, so it can go smoothly in the future.